Common Electrical System Repairs in Residential Homes

Every homeowner assumes that their lights and appliances will turn on when they flick the switch and plug in the cable. Thus, most homeowners do not actively think about their electrical system. That is until a problem occurs and their routine is inconvenienced. Notably, the electrical system in your home is complex, and optimal performance depends on how you treat and maintain it. That said, residential electrical systems are not immune to malfunctions. Therefore, when your electrical system develops a problem, you should call a licenced and experienced electrician. Most importantly, engaging an expert prevents accidents and inconveniences. This article looks at the most common electrical system repairs in residential homes.

Exposed Wires

It is by far the most common problem that electricians deal with in residential homes. Exposed cables are hazardous because they increase the risk of electrocution and fire incidences. If you have children at home and notice that some electrical wires are worn-out and exposed, call an electrician immediately to avoid serious accidents. In most cases, pets and pests are to blame for exposed wires, but the degradation of the insulation is also a common cause. An electrician will cover or replace all exposed cabling during repairs to ensure that your belongings and loved ones are safe.

Faulty Lighting

It is another common electrical issue that homeowners face, and it usually involves dimming or flickering lights and blowing bulbs. Usually, faulty lighting originates from improper cable installations or faulty wiring. For instance, if light switches are not screwed in correctly, you might experience lighting issues. Blowing bulbs could be a sign of uncontrollable power surges. Due to the many causes of faulty lighting, it is advisable not to tackle the issue yourself. Even if you are a DIY enthusiast, you must call an electrician to establish the primary cause of the problem and conduct the necessary repairs.

Buzzing or Dead Outlets 

While buzzing electrical outlets might seem innocuous, they can be dangerous. Unfortunately, most homeowners do not bother as long as an outlet is appropriately screwed, which exposes them to electrical hazards. Notably, a buzzing electrical outlet is usually an indication of loose wires in the connections. When the cables come into contact, they can cause a fire and burn down a home. On the other hand, a dead outlet indicates that a circuit breaker is faulty due to electrical overload, rendering it useless. Whichever is the case, an electrician can repair a buzzing outlet and replace a dead one.
